Showing 1–16 of 25 results
‘Study like your life depends on it, because as a pilot, it does.’ (Unknown)
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A bustling day at the Parnall & Sons ‘Coliseum Works’ factory in Bristol, c. 1920
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A fine day is nowhere better enjoyed than at several thousand feet. 1940
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A Hurricane pilot navigates the clouds
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A plane lays a smoke curtain to trouble visibility
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A view from the cockpit
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Denis Parnall with a Parnall Gull, 1939
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Designed for pilot education, seven Avro Tutors demonstrate the fruits of training
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For every pilot, it is the work done on the ground that gets the plane in the air. France, Army Co-Op, 1940
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Parnall Plover Gazes Skyward
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Parnall’s dynamic G.4 31 model from 1935 pictured metres above the ground
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Planes unite in formation over the British landscape
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The ‘Coliseum Works’ factory, Bristol, in full swing, c.1920
£45.00 inc Tax Select options -
The belly of the best. Gloster Gladiator, 1940
£45.00 inc Tax Select options -
The elegant profile of the Hurricane, 1940
£45.00 inc Tax Select options -
The Gloster Gladiator, a British-built plane used by Air Forces across the world
£45.00 inc Tax Select options